5 Signs You Could Be Vitamin D Deficient

5 Signs You Could Be Vitamin D Deficient

You may have heard about it somewhere, that "we need Vitamin D"

Vitamin D deficiency has serious consequences for our health. The vast majority of the population are deficient, and there’s reason to believe it underlies a wide range of major health problems.

As you know, it's even more critical than ever to give your body the vitamins it needs to stay as healthy as possible.

But how do you know if you’re deficient? 

The following symptoms are signals and should be brought to your doctor’s IMMEDIATE attention:

1. Bone Loss:
A diagnosis of low bone mineral density may be a major sign of vitamin D deficiency. Getting enough of this vitamin is important for preserving bone mass as you get older. Many older women who are diagnosed with bone loss believe they need to take more calcium. However, they may be deficient in vitamin D as well.

2. Getting Sick or Infected Often:
One of vitamin D’s most important roles is keeping your immune system strong so you’re able to fight off the viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Vitamin D plays an important role in immune function. 

3. Chronic Fatigue and Tiredness:
Feeling tired can have many causes and vitamin D deficiency may be one of them. In one case, a woman who complained of chronic daytime fatigue and headaches was found to have a D3 blood level of only 5.9 ng/ml. (Anything under 20 ng/ml is deficient)

When the woman took a vitamin D supplement, her level increased to 39 ng/ml and her symptoms resolved.

4. Bone and Back Pain:
Bone pain and lower back pain may be signs of inadequate vitamin D levels in the blood. Vitamin D is involved in maintaining bone health through a number of mechanisms. For one, it improves your body’s absorption of calcium. 

People with vitamin D deficiency are nearly twice as likely to experience bone pain in their legs or joints compared to those with blood levels in the normal range.

5. Depression:
A depressed mood may also be a sign of deficiency. In review studies, researchers have linked vitamin D deficiency to depression, particularly in older adults. Some studies have found supplementing with D improves mood.

When you notice persistent health issues like these, you may want to consider a quality Multivitamin & Minerals supplement that includes Vitamin D.


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