The Benefits of Stress Management:
- Improved focus and performance
- Ability to deal with stress and pressure
- Increased health and resilience
- Gain more energy
- Increased inspiration and creativity
- Ability to take control
Stress Management Strategies
Mind Energy
- Have more mind energy earlier in the day
- Focus on important tasks, meetings or projects in the morning
- Leave less important tasks until the afternoon
- Take a 5-minute break every hour to re-focus
- Ensure you are sitting correctly (DSE assessment)
- Ensure you are sitting happily
- Movement is good so take breaks or fidget!
- Keep your workstation clutter free
- Organise your workstation
Email Rules
- Check emails at designated times only (10am, 1pm and 4pm)
- Turn off audio alerts
- 5 actions for every email: delete, respond-delete, forward-delete, unsubscribe-delete or file
- Avoid looking at email evenings and weekends
Brain Dump
- Plan your tasks for the following day/week before you finish work. Write them down and leave them at work
- Brain-dump your thoughts before you sleep. Write them down and leave them away from the bedroom
Laws of Action
- Set deadlines. Work will take the time you give it
- Focus your energy on the important things. 80% of results come from 20% of efforts
- Stop/delegate things that drain your energy
- Do one thing at a time, be present
- Limit information overload
- Ensure your job plays to your strengths and talents (buy the Strengthfinder)
Free Time
- Ensure that evenings and weekends are free time to enjoy
- Plan weekend breaks or holidays to recharge the mind and body
- Spend time with people who energise you and reduce time with those who drain your energy
Keep Positive
- Positivity = Energy
- Negativity = Drained Energy
- Spend time with positive people if you are lacking positivity
- Avoid people who are negative and drain your energy
Give your Mind and Body a Daily Boost
- Listen to relaxing music
- Meditation
- Walk in nature
- Have a massage
- Meet a friend
- Enjoy some time cooking or gardening
- Have a hot bath
- Dehydration is a cause of no energy
- Drink at least 2-litres of water a day
- Keep a full 2-litre bottle of water with you and ensure you finish by the end of the day
Relaxation Strategies
Deep Breathing
- Get into a comfortable position
- Quietly become aware of your natural breath
- Close your eyes
- Take a deep breath in and out for the count of one
- Continue until you reach the count of ten
Alpha Music
- John Levine
- A whole mind, body and spirit transformation used by millions
- It takes only four minutes of listening to create calming alpha brain waves
- Can be used anytime, anywhere
The Benefits of Meditation
- Gives you time and space to recharge
- Increases your energy levels
- Makes you focus and think more clearly
- Improves sleep
- Reduces negative emotions such as stress, fear, anxiety and depression
- Lowers blood pressure
- Boosts the immune system
- Slows down the ageing process
- Aides in weight loss
Whole Body Relaxation
- Sit comfortably in a relaxed position with your eyes closed
- Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth
- Bring your attention to your head, slowly breathe in through your nose and on your outbreath relax all the muscles in your head
- Continue step 3 for each part of the body. Let any distracting thoughts pass
Tools to Enhance Deep Relaxation
- Deep Breathing
- Alpha Music
- Meditation
- Self-Hypnosis
- Massage Tools
- Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR)
- Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi
- Relaxing and Healing Incense